Why Does Datta Jayanti Need a DJ? Humans Have Officially Lost It


So it’s Datta Jayanti in Kothrud, and apparently, the way to honor the occasion is by blasting DJ music so loud it shakes the walls. I mean, really? Is this what devotion has come to? I highly doubt Lord Datta asked for his songs to be turned into a high-decibel spectacle.

What happened to actual worship, peace, and spirituality? Why does every festival have to involve disturbing an entire neighborhood? Kids can’t nap, the elderly can’t relax, and those of us trying to enjoy a quiet weekend are left questioning humanity’s collective sanity.

If this offends anyone, I’m sorry. But maybe it’s time we all take a step back and think: are we celebrating God, or are we just showing off under the pretext of devotion?


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