When Coffee Lines Get Uncomfortable


I was at Starbucks the other day, just chilling scrolling through my phone waiting in line. This guy in line started talking to me. He seemed friendly, I thought, “Fine, it’s a public place, I’ll be polite.” We talked about coffee, the weather, and random stuff.

Then he asked for my number. I didn’t want to make things awkward, so I gave it, thinking, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Well, turns out, a lot.

The messages started almost immediately. At first, it was casual stuff like, “Hey, nice meeting you.” But then it became, “Why aren’t you replying?” and “I saw your Insta—cute pics.” It got weird, fast.

I stopped replying, hoping he’d take the hint, but nope. He started messaging on WhatsApp, Instagram, and even tried Snapchat. I had to block him everywhere, and honestly, it ruined my mood.

Balewadi High Street is great, but I wish people would get that no reply means “I’m not interested.” Ladies, has something like this ever happened to you? Or do I just attract the wrong kind of energy?

…mjaak mjaak


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