Suggest Ideas to help needy ones on my birthday.


Hi guys,

Next month I’ll be turning 22 and as I started earning now I wanna celebrate my birthday by helping the needy ones.

I had a couple of ideas like going to an orphanage or just giving out money to an NGO which will then feed the poor kids.

If you’ve any better ideas please drop in comments.

Also if you know any orphanage or ngo which can help me out in doing the same please do let me know.



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9 responses to “Suggest Ideas to help needy ones on my birthday.”

  1. Forget that idea, I go out on my own and feed the actual needy myself. No NGO required for that.
    Read to the Blind, or the aged. Do things that make your heart and soul happy. Happy Birthday. ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’โœจ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒน

  2. Try connecting to Philants NGO, they do a food drive every sunday.

  3. I just donate some amount to a relief fund or an organization. This time I paid a fees for a student.

  4. U can try donating to Hindu samman foundation. This is a organisation which supported displaced hindus. They have youtube channel and instagram channel too by this name.

    U can check their work first like how much they donate because i myself see their work

  5. There is Saahas in PCMC doing some good work for the animals in need in Pune. You can donate to them too

  6. you can feed the reddit needy to some good food and alcohol

  7. I would suggest avoid going via NGOs, most of them are scam if not all.
    Better would be go around the place where you live or work, I am sure you ll find ppl living in slum type conditions and then you can decide how you want to celebrate your birthday there.try not to take photos of the ‘event’
    That’s what we do during Navratri Kanya poojan.
    A Daan (charity) is worth only if right hand doesn’t know what left hand gave.

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