Random chapri guy threatens my dad everytime.


My dad is a doctor and a heart patient who had Angioplasty done recently, my dad practices in Mominpura, guruwar peth and there is this guy who lives nearby who always for no reason comes and threatens and tries to provoke and pick fight with my dad everytime. The reason he gives is traffic jam due to our patients. But the traffic jams happens due to big PMT buses and 4 wheelers wehicles but thats not the point, the point is he uses this as excuse just to torture my dad with shouting and making a fuss. He has old grudge for my dad as he was sent to police custody for stealing some of the stuff of our clinic. And he somehow wants to torture my dad using any excuse he can get.
I would have argued with him but I can’t because my dad is heart patient and his condition can get worse. The point is he has nothing to do with traffic at all. He is a person who is unemployed and doesn’t have any business on that road or near road nor does he have his home near the road. He is just a chapri around 40 year old who has no life but if he continues this, my dad can have heartattack.

He will come argue and make a huge fuss.
He has become a real headache he will use any reason to come provoke my dad. . This person knows, my dad is a heart patient but knowing this still he troubles my dad.
Today he came inside doctors cabinet without permission (and there was a lady who was getting injection on her back) to fight but I was there and he was trying to provoke me as well Saying “Picche sarak Pichhe sarak, kya ghurra meko”
I want to launch a police complaint but I don’t know what should I do and how should I do.
What are the legal actions I can take to make this guy not come to our clinic and near my father.
I need help if you have any suggestions.


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