Hello [r/Pune-kars](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pune-kars/).
Its time to have an official meetup!
The date is Saturday, 21 Dec 2024.
Venue is up for discussion. Drop a few ideas and we can have a vote in a subsequent post.
It needs to be reachable and be preferably central, needs to have a large space to gather and chat. Needs restaurants or watering holes for people to disperse to after.
Choosing a Saturday so people have Sunday to recuperate.
PS: Sorry about the previous post, I mistakenly put in the wrong year.
PPS: You can attend anonymously without sharing your username or real name. It’s entirely up to you.
PPS: Follow up: https://www.reddit.com/r/pune/s/i8T7T4qYRH
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