Punekars if any of you guys might have any insights / feedback on Progressive Education Society’s Morden College of Engineering, please share ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Getting AIDS( Artificial intelligence and Data Science) in this very college


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6 responses to “Punekars if any of you guys might have any insights / feedback on Progressive Education Society’s Morden College of Engineering, please share ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™”

  1. mat le bhai agar options hai toh

  2. I’m seeing lots of posts after getting allotment, Why don’t you guys collect info before getting allotment? If you’re filling the option in the cap, the bare minimum is you have done proper research before.

  3. It’s a decent college. Not one of the top ones, but one of my relatives did Comp Sci there (graduated 2023) and they had decent placements.

  4. As a 2016 graduate will provide my two bits. Its neither the worst college nor the very best. Its average tbh. The plus side its in heart of the city. U can find cheap accommodation and homely mess anywhere nearby. The course u described might be newly started one so dont have much info specifically to that.
    All in all if u have been alloted and dont have any other preferences its a decent enough place to learn.

  5. Its not that good but other alternatives are similar, so don’t worry much. For good placements have solid basics knowledge, participate in competitions and activities, have ~8gpa and good project portfolio.

  6. Too much hassle to obtain any kind of documents. Graduated this year, have been to college at least 5-6 after that to collect documents yet they are not giving.

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