Pune Shocker: Body of Two Girls Found in Water Barrel in Rajgurunagar, Waiter Arrested – www.lokmattimes.com


Pune Shocker: Body of Two Girls Found in Water Barrel in Rajgurunagar, Waiter Arrested – www.lokmattimes.com


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7 responses to “Pune Shocker: Body of Two Girls Found in Water Barrel in Rajgurunagar, Waiter Arrested – www.lokmattimes.com”

  1. At this point it is not even breaking news anymore, sad state of affairs in the society

  2. So many cases in Pune these days.

  3. The article says it was maybe due to their mother’s affair. Poor kids.

  4. Happens everyday. Half the guys in my area thinks they are pushpa, do gundagiri all the times

  5. Why don’t we have a anti rape law like just burn that person alive and I’m sure that there will be no one opposing it (atleast for the sake of votes)

  6. I don’t understand why do we vote when our government can’t keep our people safe, The judicial system needs to be changed for sure and the law must change for gruesome crimes like these where in criminals need to think a million times before doing any such things, criminals walk free with their politically influence and money in a few months after being in jail.

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