Pune man kidnaps and rapes two minor girls, later drowns them in water-filled drum


No one talking about something so heinous. No media reporting. Is Pune so desensitized?


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18 responses to “Pune man kidnaps and rapes two minor girls, later drowns them in water-filled drum”

  1. The guy needs to be put in a drum and then have concrete poured over it.

  2. Yesterday’s news had the killing and rape menace all over, almost 15 – 17 kids were killed.

  3. accused name – ajay das

  4. Hi gosht majha gawat ghadli ahe

  5. Nah man not in Pune!!
    An example should be made by brutally punishing this guy.

  6. It’s headline in local news paper.

  7. If it was someone from a certain community, you’d see it everywhere with his full name plastered in headlines. It’s just how it is. It’s sick.

  8. Nich ani galichha loka aahe shivya bharpur yetat pan boluse watat nahi.
    Pune nav kharab karateaahe.
    Yevdha galicha apradh aahe ha namard astat he loka ke asa karta.

  9. Kashe rakshas look ahet

  10. Should name the title as Bengal man in pune

  11. As a Bengali man who had worked in Pune for 2 years (2010 -2012), it’s really disheartening to see this news. Although Bengali Hindus are fully capable of heinous crimes, but I won’t be surprised if this Ajoy Das is a Bangladeshi with fake aadhaar card. During my stay in Pune (I used to stay near Kharadi) I have came across numerous Bengali speaking labourers / shop workers who were clearly speaking Bengali with a Bangladeshi dialect, but when asked where are you from, they promptly reply West Bengal. Same thing happens in Bangalore and Kerala. West Bengal is an entry point for these Bangladeshis and the local political nexus arranges fake Aadhaar and voter cards for them and then they move deeper inside India.

  12. No news channel will cover such heinous crime unless the culprit belongs to a specific community….this is how the modern India works …such a shame collectively for all of us….we failed as citizens

  13. I left bengal because of these mental bengalies and now they are over here. I am a Bengali too.

  14. Horrific,
    But why title is ” Pune men ”

    Are we going to identify criminal like

    Pune men, delhi men, mumbai girl…?

    Coming back to news, yes – I didn’t heard it earlier,need more details and case need wider media attention

  15. Every single comment and op too, is moronic.

    Let’s read the story

    “The bodies of the two girls were found in a huge drum filled with water with heads down – suggesting forcible drowning.”

    That’s all we know. Further forensic report isn’t even there yet.

    Where does rape and murder even come into it? Prima facie it’s accidental drowning.

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