Place to have a walk / alone time


I’m looking for places in Pune to have a nice evening walk, sometimes morning too. A lot has happened in my life and a walk helps me to sort out the clutter in my mind. I’ll start with where I live. Suggestion about other places around Pune is also fine.

So, I recently started living in Kondhwa, on the Iskon temple side and there is no good place here to have a nice walk. Roads are all fk’d up and no place for humans to stroll since there are no side walks. A big highway construction is going on from Katraj chowk to Yewalewadi, which makes the area all blocked by vehicle. Also, have you guys noticed the vehicles have increased so much. Well that’s a topic for another day.

I know distraction cannot be avoided completely, but would appreciate if anyone have any suggestions about a quiet place around, to have a nice walk.


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