Op wants to read more books this year


Hi everyone,

I know I’m a bit late to the New Year’s resolutions bandwagon, but like every good child, I want to read more books this year. I’m really not into self-help books. I’m more interested in literature-I loved reading A Study in Scarlet, and I’m planning to get into Sherlock Holmes’ universe. I’m also into science books-I loved reading Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” and Feynman’s “Six Easy Pieces”. This year, I want to explore literature, especially Marathi and Hindi literature and history and philosophy because I loved reading “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka and am planning to read “The Stranger” by Camus. I literally have no idea where to start reading history!

Can you guys suggest some of your favorites and must-read books? Or any genral suggestions and regular readers how do you push yourself to read for longer hours I get it it’s more of a hobby to you now but how do I get to that level!


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3 responses to “Op wants to read more books this year”

  1. If you’re into adult romcom fiction then let me know !

  2. पिवळं पुस्तक वाचलं आहे का कधी ? तिथून सुरुवात कर, बाकी सगळं मोहमाया वाटायला लागेल..

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