Based on feedback in the previous announcement post, the location of the meetup is Sambhaji Park on JM Road.
I’ll create a telegram group to coordinate. Or you can join the discord too.
Everyone interested, we will me meeting near the water dispenser.
🚆For people coming by Metro, please take the exit towards Sambhaji Park (J.M Road) and not Balgandharva.
🏍️For people coming on bike there is a parking in the park itself but make sure you get the vehicle out before the park closes. Irrespective of where the meetup heads.
🚙The same applies for four wheeler, although space is limited and if the parking gets full you may park it in pay and park next to McDonald’s.
There is street side parking available in several pockets along JM Road but make sure you park the vehicle in the appropriate zone as the fine and towing cost is hefty.
Pps: https://www.reddit.com/r/pune/s/87JBJvQ8dM
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