Need help for my elder brother. Please read.


Hello everyone, please read the whole post.

Making this post because I really need diverse and varied inputs how can I get my brother a livelihood.

A bit of background about my (elder) brother:

We are based out of pune; my brother isn’t at all streetsmart, cunning or a tryhard or bright in studies; nor does he posses any rare talent – he’s just a very simple and honest guy. His whole educational life & professional (much shorter) life he didn’t have a SINGLE friend. Almost all people he met, tried to take advantage of him, were rude and mean to him.

Moving on to his educational background – he completed his 12th under Maharashtra State Board around 2014 with not very good marks and the performance in Engg entrance exams too was very poor. So post this, my parents decided that he should do a diploma in Mechanical Engineering followed by a Btech in same. Now one of the issues that he suffered from during his education and which impacted his education a LOT is he had OCD of quite severe intensity – which finally from the last 1-2 years has reduced.

Now this OCD and with him being okayish in studies, he took 5 years to complete the post 12th diploma of 2 years. Now FF to 2019, he somehow got a meagre Production Line Worker job which paid around 12-15k and which was in shifts but regardless of this, he successfully showed up to that job every working day and every shift and did the day-to-day work for almost an whole year. Finally, after years of dull life he was finally starting to make a livelihood no matter how small it was – but all this come to a halt after COVID hit and he had to leave that job since they (the organisation) were having unrealistic work expectations without even a headroom that cared about workers health; Not to mention, COVID skyrocketed his OCD.

Now somewhere around late 2021 – early 2022, he did a course in Facility Management from our father’s friend and also got a trainee job in the same field which again paid less and was usually overworked.
He worked there for around 8 months and quit when the work environment there too turned too much toxic.

Now ever since quitting that job in mid 2023 up till now he’s unemployed (recently he again did a course in Design Engg – the once where he learned CAD/CAM/etc. but again he’s still struggling to find a job in that field)and has turned 30 – all his acquaintances of his same age are now married/are doing something good in their life. It REALLY is taking a big toll on all of our mental lives, peace and wellbeing. He too has a very strong desire to get married and start a family, although he still might not possess the bare minimum knowledge and experience for that. But before that, I want him to atleast a stable income/livelihood.

So the point of this long post is really to get insights/suggestions/ideas from almost anyone I can about what can be some good ideas for my brother – a no-brainer job that earns him decent or a small business that in the start won’t affect me and my father’s pockets even if it makes losses (currently me and my father are the only earning members in the family).

All of your suggestions are welcomed.

Edit: A heartfelt thanks to each one of you for your 2 cents, I too am a working professional and investing my free time in trying to figure out ways I can make his life better; hence can’t reply to each one of you but yea thanks again! 😀


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