Need help. Bank is not doing its work and ignoring customer’s demands. What to do?


Hello reditters. I’m from Pune, MH. I have a bank account in Bank Of Maharashtra. I needed to link Adhaar Card to my Bank Account. Today (Aug 17, 2024) was the 4th time that I applied for the same cause. I don’t know why they won’t do it. Many customers were asking the same thing. they would just say they do it from their end, the government doesn’t process it. But I k ow they’re lying. They take xerox of Adhaar Card and keep them aside. God knows if they even look at them after the customer leaves. They even talked rudely to me and others, rolled eyes when I demanded an explanation. Is there anywhere I can complaint about them. The bank manager does nothing too. I want to complain somewhere, they are not treating the customer as required. If anyone knows, please care to tell. Thank you.


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