Looking for a cat shelter


Hi everyone

A cat who has been frequenting our home gave birth to kittens yesterday. The mother is okay, but they’re worried about the kittens and would prefer they be adopted by a shelter. They’re a little old now, and dont think they can for the kittens.

If any of you know an appropriate shelter/volunteer organization, khup aabhar maanein!


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2 responses to “Looking for a cat shelter”

  1. Who is worried? काहीच समजला नाही. जर त्यांचा जन्म कालच झाला असेल, तर त्यांना आई जवळ च काही महीने राहु द्या. Otherwise they won’t survive.

  2. Don’t separate them so early, let the mother foster them for few weeks until then you look for people who are already pet owners and can take care of them

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