Can someone make this in pune?


Due to severe back pain I can’t sit and use computer but I found this online.

Can someone make this for me or knows someone skilled enough to make it?


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41 responses to “Can someone make this in pune?”

  1. I guess you should approach a good carpenter i’m pretty sure someone will find a way to make this. There is always someone. (I know I didn’t answer your question, but I suppose you will find someone online.)

  2. Get pencil and paper, draw its parts (simpler versions) with dimensions , get those cut by a carpenter, assemble them yourselves

  3. what a clever way to relax and use laptop. phakta laptop khali nahi padilya pahijhe nahitar lene ke dene huil.

  4. Roam around timber market, tithe khup saare karagir aahet, karun detil bahutek

  5. You could use the below one also (or similar ones) for laying down position. Doesn’t have to be a wooden one right??




  6. Just looking at it is hurting my back, my hands and my eyes

  7. OP if you don’t mind, whats wrong with your back ?

  8. Check if you can get it 3D printed. Just an out of box idea.

  9. Here are few suggestions depending on how much you want to spend

    1. Get the basic stand like [this](
    2. Get the portable monitor, you will get a good viewsonic one for 12k or so
    3. Get the “bed tablet stand” you can mount the portable monitor to this stand,keep the laptop, keyboard mouse on the basic stand(point 1) and use it… Skills wise all you need to learn is typing without looking at monitor…

    Get vesa mount laptop arm like [this]( tie the laptop to the laptop tray…mount the arm to bed

  10. I don’t have any severe back issues..but I def need this lol

  11. Try contacting kalaakaar makerspace they have a well equipped workshop with CNC machines for precise cuts they are located in Baner

  12. Hey I know of a wooden products manufacturer, who also makes regular laptop stands, among other products. He is not based in Pune but does ship stuff across India. Since I’ve used his products, I can vouch for the quality and finishing; maybe you can have a chat with him and discuss further. Lemme know if you are keen ..I’ll share details on chat.

  13. Upload the image and try asking as a beginner carpenter, also try to mention the product name.
    Not a pro but you can try this, “As a specialist in carpeting, explain me the steps to create the same table or whatever it is called with the list of raw materials required. Also add the picture.”

  14. This is weirdest thing I saw on reddit

  15. That would be bad for the screen and hinge , dont get that

  16. If you want just lying down,get any small table/Stool of that height and use cables to tie your laptop to its lower surface.Other positions you can use normally

  17. Could you post here or DM me the link to this exact product online? Might be interested in buying one myself.

  18. ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)

  19. Stainless Steel guys will also make this…not same but it will work

  20. This is a business 💡

  21. trust me , late kar typing Kroge to hath dukhega, I have tried

  22. My 50kg ka laptop is probably gonna break my jaw while using this, still sounds worthy

  23. Picture someone Posing heroic.

    Now, was he standing or Sitting? Get a heightened desk.

  24. Find a good craftsman in your area with hands on experience with CNC machine, get him the printouts of the exact design and ask him to make one for you

  25. You need a very good carpenter, else you’ll need a dentist too

  26. Looks good except the sleeping position

  27. Call Sawai Ram Sutar ( Carpenter) on +918806401158.
    Tge guy’s a superb worker.. But, very expensive. So bargain…. a lo…

  28. Bro DM me. I have such a table and went through severe back pain for 3 years (L4-L5 Disc Herniation). I got rid of pain about a few months ago. Happy to help.

  29. Architect this side. This is very similar to the drafting tables which I used in college. I’d suggest you look for a shop that sells drafting tables, maybe they can make this or help you.

  30. I can help you to design/model this in 3D platform.
    Then use that to cut out shapes in milling/cnc shop.
    Then do the rest like IKEA.

  31. Check the original manufacturers, i am sure making this in India would cost similar to what it would cost to ship it here.

  32. I recall product designers in symbi make unconventional stuff.

  33. Online milta hai le lo

  34. Contact 7391964166

  35. Ask chat gpt about how this is can be made based on product’s name. Suggest the same steps to any experienced carpenter.

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