A video went viral showing a local goon demanding extortion money from a pan stall owner in Pimple Gurav. Following this incident, the Sanghvi police detained him. Now, an apology video from the same goon has surfaced, showing him expressing remorse for his actions.


A video went viral showing a local goon demanding extortion money from a pan stall owner in Pimple Gurav. Following this incident, the Sanghvi police detained him. Now, an apology video from the same goon has surfaced, showing him expressing remorse for his actions.


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17 responses to “A video went viral showing a local goon demanding extortion money from a pan stall owner in Pimple Gurav. Following this incident, the Sanghvi police detained him. Now, an apology video from the same goon has surfaced, showing him expressing remorse for his actions.”

  1. YZ la changlach bamboo lavlya la distoi! 👍

  2. I invite you all to my society, to show you goons in my building. I have paid for the parking yet this goon in my building, parks there. Hits my bike if i park in my own parking + abuses and threatens to end of my family if I park my bike there.
    Went to police they said “OK”
    Filed an online complaint to society registrar, they said “The complaint type you have selected doesn’t match the complaint. Please select appropriately”
    Went to society office, they’re friends with him so they asked me to sell of my house and leave forever!

  3. Police beat him up because they wanted him to realise that police is the biggest hafta collector and the goon dared to enter their turf.

  4. It’s good to see this. Pan long-term solution kay? Kay guarantee ha parat kahi karnar nahi kinva hya peksha gambhir gunha nahi karnar.

  5. The funny thing is that the law is absolutely stupid to understand this that the goons like this do not get a change of heart. They get famous and expand their territory or the amount to cover up the losses they’ve faced during this time… letting live these unnecessary and unproductive beings in civilized society is a waste of time and resources, nothing going to change with this rate.

  6. If video was not there then what. Reality is next time he will just make sure that there is no video.
    There is no police vigilance. Hardly any policeman or traffic police is in sight. Wrong side driving is rampant, if ttaffic police is rhere they just turn the other way or pretend they don’t see that. I dont know why so much fear .

  7. welcome to pcmc , ruled by goons

  8. Slaughtering these animals is the solution, they are habitual offenders, they will commit the crime again. Just slaughter the criminals

  9. PCMC is full of such idiots. There is a political support to all such unemployed people.
    To fulfil their daily needs they harass small vendors.
    Law and order in Pune is a big concern.
    Good education and employment (willingness to work also) needs attention.

  10. Hehe Chapri bh**ch*t! Yogya ti bhasha! Chaptawa saalyanna! Majhya Maharashtra cha naav khataab kartayt

  11. Maanneeya dada sahebancha Gunda.

  12. “Kahi karu tasa naka”, bro forgot how to speak marathi

  13. Police hate competition.

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