Yesterday, I decided to take a last minute trip to my hometown from work. I headed swargate to catch a bus, and after waiting for 45 minutes, I finally managed to squeeze onto a bus that was almost full (thanks to bus depo). As I found a seat, a guy with glasses who looked a bit lost asked if the seat next to me was free. I told him it was, and he sat down. At first I was listening to music, but he started chatting with me, and before I knew it we were deep in conversation.
It was amazing how easily we talked, we covered everything from our jobs to our favorite hobbies. After some time he suggested we watch a movie together, so we started watching hridayam on his tab. I was having a great time but unfortunately my stop came up before the movie ended. We might not meet again since he wasn’t a fan of pune and was only there for an exam, but he said he’d be in touch if he ever returns to pune. I loved the whole unexpected encounter and hope to meet him again someday. 🙂
Thank you for reading!
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