# #HIGHBEAMS low stars
Dear friends, there have been many posts here about drivers using HIGH BEAM lights at night and how it affects other drivers and pedestrians. I have a couple of small suggestions
1. When you sit in any ola/uber car/rickshaw, tell the driver to use dippers. tell him ***you will give him 1 star review if he uses HIGH BEAMS***. Personally, whenever I take a cab/rick, I start a small conversation, his name, where is from, etc,.. then I slowly, politely tell him, bhaiyya please drive slowly, I am not in a hurry at all. and please use dipper. I also tell please use less horn(unrelated here, just saying). Most of the times, they argue and oppose, but if you persist, tell 2-3 times they will listen. especially if you mention the star rating..
2. most car owners, bike owners must be on reddit.
if you are reading this, please tell your drivers to use low beam..
if you are driving yourselves, please take a moment to ***locate the dipper switch of your car/bike and put it in dipper mode.***
many times, the switch has been left in the upper position for a long time and its not changed at all…
3. **behave like an owner,**
if your house is shabby, you wont pay the maid, right?
similarly if your driver is bad, drives rashly, uses HIGH BEAMS, honks every 2 seconds, tell him to mend his ways or you wont pay his salary.
don’t overlook these small things. be vocal about it. Let them unlearn their wrong habits..
***Friends, we are 165k on this sub, its a lot of people… let us start ourselves and see if anything changes..***
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