Fed Up with the Aadhaar Application Process for Non-Indian Citizens


I’m at my wit’s end dealing with the Aadhaar application process for non-Indian citizens. The law clearly states that any “resident” of India, defined as someone who has lived in the country for at least 182 days in the last 12 months, can apply for Aadhaar. This should include non-Indian citizens, like Nepalese nationals who meet the residency requirement. But in practice, trying to get an Aadhaar card is a nightmare!

My biggest hurdle? The Tehsildar from Haveli. This guy is a total roadblock! He’s being incredibly difficult about approving my documents, and his arrogance is off the charts. Despite fulfilling all the requirements and providing all the necessary documents, he keeps rejecting my application without any valid reason. It’s like he’s on a power trip or something.

The worst part is, he seems to be operating on his own rules. I’ve been turned away multiple times with different excuses every time—one day, my passport isn’t enough; the next day, he needs proof of address that wasn’t even on the list provided by UIDAI. It’s maddening! Why is it so hard for officials to follow a clear, consistent process? It’s almost like he’s deliberately making this process more difficult than it needs to be.

This bureaucratic mess is incredibly frustrating. Aadhaar is supposed to be a tool to help residents of India, including those who meet the residency requirements, access essential services and benefits. But how are non-Indian citizens supposed to get one when the process is filled with arbitrary roadblocks and officials like this Tehsildar who seem more interested in flexing their authority than doing their job?

Is anyone else facing similar issues? How do you deal with officials who are just plain unreasonable? Any advice on how to get around this nightmare would be greatly appreciated!


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