In the past week, the road leading upto sus from maruti nanavre chowk, I have seen people fighting. Fighting mhanje full lathya bukya bhandan.
The first incident was a Rickshawala smashing a cab driver. The pretext was that the rickshaw wala was trying to overtake in full speed, from behind a bus and he rammed into a cabbie. They started arguing and apparently to Punyacha Maharashtrian nahiye as kallya var tya rikshawalya ni tya cab driver la be dum marla. The cabbie actually left as I could see tears in his eyes.
The second was just now, not even 5 mins ago. Two drunk guys started hitting based on something that happened and started bringing up the past. Ironically, 2 Police women who were just chilling in a restaurant opposite the incident, did not even move. One was on the phone and she was complaining that some stupids are fighting and it’s distracting. The other lady turned her head once and ignored the haana maari.
No conclusion but just Haana Maari zali ani I was watching.
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