Abandoned/lost Husky.


Hi, I have been seeing a purebred husky wandering freely looking for food in bins around Dutta Mandir, wakad for the past few days.
Looks like was cruelly abandoned. He seems in good condition but it is unlikely he will survive on his own.
So if anyone has lost him or wants to adopt him, please go ahead. He’s always seen outside the temple.


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33 responses to “Abandoned/lost Husky.”

  1. Even my relatives recently adopted a husky who was found on the streets abandoned.Cruel people.

  2. “post covid strays” pets adopted when people had time during covid and abandoned at the first sign of return to a busy schedule.

  3. why dont you get in touch with pet rescue organisations? and tell them his location. it would be really kind

  4. We need stricter pet laws

  5. Can you share location

  6. husky should be banned in India as its not belong to this climate.

  7. The problem is, people think that having a pet is like having an object. They get a pet because they find it cute..they should ask themselves can they take care of the pet? Do they have the space and finance? I always wanted to have a pet, but I got a pet when I brought a house and when I started earning well. And I love my pet so much, I don’t travel, I use to travel a lot but I have stopped because I don’t want anyone to burden with my pet for a week. I only trust my family on my pet and this is how it should be, nobody gives a fuck about your pet those agencies who charge you to take care of your pet and then beat your pet.

    Don’t get a pet just because you find it cute, a pet is a big responsibility, 24/7, it is just like having a kid.

    All the subredit are filled with post on giving up the pet, because after having a pet for a month or two they realise their mistake. Then they came up with a made up story and post on social media to give up their pet.

    Don’t get a pet just because you love to.

  8. You can post on “Dog Friendly Pune” on Facebook, you will get good advice.

  9. Please share it on insta , There are multiple animal NGOs which can be tagged .

    Else this poor soul will die a very terrible death on road.

  10. Please post on Pet Lovers Pune FB

  11. Husky’s as pets in tropical region is a crime. They don’t survive their natural age. People should not be allowed to own them, they face illness and the owners are not able to take care of them properly so they end up abandoning them.

  12. Poor soul is digging through trash for food, no respect for human life or animal life whatsoever 😔😔

  13. Kinda sad to see that people tend to show more concern for husky and fancy breeds meanwhile lakhs of indies suffer the same or worse fate then this daily 🙁

  14. Husky ko kaun ch*** abandon karata hai BC

    Low level a**holes

  15. Can someone get him sent to Thane by any chance

  16. Oh gawd if i were to be in pune i would have adopted him instantly

  17. Nowadays husky also gets abandoned?😮

  18. Aarogya utarlat ahe re bicharachya. Me video nahi, pan hyala gharat nela asta.

    Punekaranno bagha kuthe ahe aani ekatra kalji ghya ha bicharachya.

  19. Freaking assholes(owners). Huskies are breeds with needs. There are awesome energetic toddlers howlers. Why adopt when you can’t handle this breeds. Poor guy has to suffer in an environment where he is not even meant to live in.

  20. Need an update OP if anyone reached out and secured the dog?

  21. See this is bad, dont adopt dogs, hate dogs if you dont like them, but do not abandon them after taking their survival instincts from them. They are lost, it takes so long for them to get over getting abandoned.

  22. See this is bad, dont adopt dogs, hate dogs if you dont like them, but do not abandon them after taking their survival instincts from them. They are lost, it takes so long for them to get over getting abandoned.

  23. General context: Husky’s are not your normal dogs. As in their personality traits for loyalty is intact just like all other pet dogs but they have straight away retaliation and may not agree with everything an owner wants. So an average pet owner might not be compatible with them and this is the result.

    In plain simple words: their trust & loyalty is earned and is not available easily for everyone.

  24. Guys, I’m sorry it was a false alarm, I asked around today and turns out his name is dollar and since he is friendly with all the local dogs, his owner lets him out everyday to just roam around. I talked with the owner and he said he doesn’t need a leash either. So yeah, He’s all good. Sorry for that.

  25. So sad ! This dog will suffer in the street

  26. Human beings are so shitty. Anyway, what’s the update if there is any? I know someone who can help this poor guy find a forever home.

  27. Its priceless, take it with you..

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