What’s behind this culture of careless driving in Pune?


It’s been 3 years I’m in Pune. I have noticed that Pune roads are very unsafe.

“Pune’s roads have become increasingly hazardous due to reckless driving, and I’ve had my share of harrowing experiences. Despite following traffic rules, I’ve been involved in multiple incidents that could have had severe consequences.

One incident that still unnerves me occurred when I was waiting at a crossing, adhering to the traffic signal. Out of nowhere, a car rear-ended my bike, and the driver seemed completely unfazed, waving his hand dismissively and looking away.

Another incident happened a few months later when a brand-new Mahindra SUV collided with my bike from behind while I was riding home from work.

Most recently, I had a close call when a couple speeding on their bike struck mine from the side, causing the lady’s purse strap to get entangled in my handlebars. I was dragged for about 10 meters before managing to regain control and prevent a potentially disastrous fall.

It’s alarming to see how few people in Pune prioritize road safety and adhere to traffic regulations. The lack of accountability and disregard for fellow commuters’ well-being is disturbing.


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