Kids playing Rock, Paper, Scissors through the Sunroof while stuck in a Jam.


We had been stuck in the traffic jam for over an hour. Love how kids always find something to entertain themselves with.♥️


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6 responses to “Kids playing Rock, Paper, Scissors through the Sunroof while stuck in a Jam.”

  1. Fuck . Being stuck in parking lot is one of the worse feelings.

  2. Kids in cars with no sunroof 😕

  3. Phoenix Mall of the Millenuim has successfully managed to create the most fuc**d up parking in the Millenuim!

  4. This is so wholesome 🫰🏻

  5. 1 entry and 1 exit, now imagine what will happen in case of fire. All of the dead will get 2 lakh and a committee to study what happened.

  6. There are idiots in pune. Sunroofs are dangerous for anyone especially for kids.

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