Big post, TL;DR at the bottom.
So I had to visit the office for a couple of days this week with interesting scenario. And I ended up traveling with bike, car, car pooling and metro all in a couple of days.
Now I travel from Dange chowk (PCMC) to Weikfield IT Park for the office. The distance is about 21 km.
Day 1 – home to office via metro. 1 hour 15 mins in total.
I was supposed to be at the office around 9 AM, but I was extremely hungry – so I stuffed good 3-4 plates poha before leaving to the office. I left home around 9 AM, reached to PCMC metro station in 15 mins.
That day, I got metro on the best scenario. As soon I was at the platform, the crowded – but could be able to find a seat metro was ready to departure. It reached civil court around 9:45 AM and I got the very crowded Civil court to Ramwadi metro as I reached the platform.
Mind you – pune needed a metro 5-6 years ago. Seeing the couch packed with crowd wasn’t something I was looking forward to – but overall metro, good transport appreciation was nice to feel.
As I arrived at the Ramwadi station, I saw a lot pooling cars, mini buses from the companies for their employs and it was nice to see. A lot of people got off at Kalyani Nagar station as well – and I believe there are similar pooling going on as well.
I walked the remaining distance as usual to the office – filled my quota of daily steps.
Day 1 – office to home with senior colleague. 1 hour 30 mins.
My senior colleague lives around Punawale and brings in a car and we generally travel together. So for me it was plain and simple. Sit in the car with him, and watch the traffic and roads like a child.
He is an excellent and calm driver. But the traffic does bring the worst of us. A guy almost T-ed us around that golf ground. A few cab drivers honked for no reason, we started at a few people “wtf are you doing” look – you know general daily stuff.
He dropped me at Dange chowk and again, I walked home. Good set of steps completed.
Day 2 – home to office with car. 1 hour 10 mins.
My brother had left his car with me for the weekend. He took my bike with him and we were going to exchange them back at my office. So I took the car.
Trying to avoid the traffic, I left home at 8 AM. There was a good dark red line in the Khadki camp area because of cattle which caused 12-15 mins delay. Then the signals were hazard. It had been a while since I took a car to the office and I missed being in a metro. Metro sound when I was waiting at signal did not make it easy as well.
At the end, I just wanted to be at the office before the parking was full – this is another thing I don’t generally have to worry about. But on this occasion…
Day 2 – work to home with bike – 1 hour.
I left early. So early that I was at home by 3 PM. The world is different when we are on a bike. I was wearing helmet and all and I do suggest that everyone should do that at least of the main roads.
When we drive a bike – we can see how awful cars can be and vice versa. I hated bikes when I drove cars and I hated cars when I drove bike. The potholes, the uneven roads are difficult for the backs with bike. And it does affect my back for the next couple of days.
When I was driving the bike I could see the metro above my head and all I could think is – why are things like the metro are made available so late to us. Pune brings in a lot of money to our government with different sectors and still we were starved to get the two lines started.
I hope the metro is stretched over the entire city. It’s the least thing we can get as common people.
TL;DR; Traveled by metro, bike, car, car pooling in a couple of days. Metro is so better, why can’t we get more metro.
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