Fake Policemen asking for Donations (Chanda) near KP Area


A couple hours ago, two conmen dressed as policemen came to my apartment asking for Chanda for some orphanage. My wife (not a local) was alone at home when these guys near harassed her until she donated ₹1000 to their fake cause.

I know what the Bahurupi are and how this scam has been going on longer than I’ve been alive. But where my parents and I could shoo them away with the confidence of being a local, others cannot.

This post is partly for awareness and partly because I want to ask what I can do about this. I will naturally be reporting this to the police, although I doubt there will be much action taken.

I’ve also told my wife to slam the door the next time they come, or to just call security. But what else can I do? And should I be worried that these guys would ‘mark’ my home as one where a woman is living alone since I wasn’t there at the time?


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