He officially has only until December to find a home, please come forward to adopt


Salt is up for adoption all over India. (Originally based in Pune)

Salt is a 3.5 month old male kitten. He’s litter trained, dewormed and vaccinated. He’s great with other cats as well.

Salt is such a playful cat. He’s a 24/7 entertainment powerhouse. But even after a tiring day, all he likes to do is come back to his humans for belly rubs and pets. He’s such a perfect and beautiful boy which is why it’s heartbreaking to see that he’s not getting a single lead.

Salt was rescued by us because the people in the building he was living as a stray threatened to relocate him and his brothers. One of his brothers got adopted as well. We need that happy ending for him too.

Paying heed to the desperate times, we are opening up his adoption all over the country. However, we’ll be strict on adoption formalities.

He’s a perfect boy, please come forward to give him a home.

For more details, contact @_bbpaws on Instagram or 7043782899 on whatsapp (no calls)


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6 responses to “He officially has only until December to find a home, please come forward to adopt”

  1. I’ve adopted a street cat from my society and highly recommend it to everyone on the fence. Cats brighten up your life. Hopefully salt finds it’s forever home.

  2. What you gonna do with it after December?

  3. Hey! Where in pune is he currently?

  4. Most of your posts are like this only , you rescue them and without any survival skills leave them . Why are you doing this ? Either you keep them or let it be please .

  5. Cfbr. He’s a cutie tom 😻

  6. I want this cattttt 😍

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