Never did i ever think I’ll make such a post but here we go. Last night I went out to get some kothimbir from the markets. It was around 9.30 at night and everyone who lives in my area knew that this is the time where there’s most traffic. I was driving at the utmost corner of the road at about 20 km/hr since i was trying to find a shop with fresh kothimbir. And out of the blue 3 dudes on one bike make a U turn at a very high speed (35-50 km/hr i guess) and crash badly into me. I went flying from my scooter and this morning i realise i have a bloody bump on my scalp (it was hurting last night but i just thought chala jaega), my right shin is swollen, there’s injuries on both my palms and my right bicep has bruises and a few more scratches here and there. I have a paper today in about an hour and I couldn’t study last night, I can’t write properly (Im doing competitive exams so speed is important for me) and on top of it all my mom keeps feeling guilty. I am 18F, and i just recieved the “yes you can take the scooter out of society” privileges and it is because of dudes like this i might be losing that privilege.
All I want to ask is why do you need to take such a speedy U turn to look cool? What if it were some elderly? What if I would’ve been going at a higher speed?
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