sinhgad college of engineering चा comeback झाला आहे काय? 💀😭


cutoffs have drastically increased infact 99 percentilers have opted sinhgad bio-tech 💀


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5 responses to “sinhgad college of engineering चा comeback झाला आहे काय? 💀😭”

  1. Downfall zala hota ka ?
    2015 batch passout here.
    Got placed in campus recruitment back then.
    This college is one of the reasons I am comfortably settled in life.

  2. Aadya Durgaprasad Harishchand on her way to take Biotechnology at SCOE after getting 100 percentile and a rank of 13 😭

  3. Currently from scoe in final yr
    We are alr fucked but clg taking desperate efforts for junior batches seeing our condition

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