Minimum Ganesha donation in flats?


Background: spent 40k on wife’s checkup and treatment for a stomach ailment 2 weeks ago.

7k at dentists this week

Bought family insurance plus all the other expenses….

Today few young men came to collect Ganesha donation. I was giving 500, they said no minimum is 1,500. I said oh can I give 1,000 they said no and left. Were polite. But I was just wondering is this the norm? Why?

Are other flats/housing societies doing same? Have a minimum? And how much?

I live in Vishrantwadi.

Edit: Thanks for all the responses. Seems a few have high minimum like 1250 or 5000, but majority is 200-300 or so. Good to know


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49 responses to “Minimum Ganesha donation in flats?”

  1. 500 is already super generous…

  2. I give 0. Once I saw my local pandal enjoying alcohol at night right in front of Bappa and I made up my mind to never donate.

  3. There is nothing normal. Pay only if Ganesha belongs to your locality.

  4. You seem to be a very generous guy, we give 101 take it or leave it.

  5. 500 is maz. Don’t give more than that if it is society.

    If it is local, 201 is more than enough.

  6. It’s your wish give or don’t. We already pay maintenance to society.
    But sometimes it’s social pressure you have to deal with. People talk on back about it.
    Else legally no one can do shit.

  7. Something is better than nothing.

    If they don’t have this basic civic sense and understanding of taking donations, then better not to give and they don’t deserve anything.

  8. i am non believer koi ata hai and i am alone toh i don’t give when mum is home she gives something around 100 to 500 depending on causes festival donations (someones medical help/gurudwara donations)when they start doing this minimum chutyapa i intervene and bhaga deta hu aise logo ko bhagwan ke nam par minimum max wala chutyapa nahi karna chaiye jo jiska capability hai uske hisab se deta hai voo leke recipt kaat ke nikal lena chaiye if you don’t mind telling what society is this in Wadi?? i stay in tingrenagar moved to porwal road recently

  9. Bhika magun sohaley karna or karja kadhun aplyakade nehmichach ahe. Kahi lokanna hhe vachun dhungnaat dhukel pan kharay.

  10. Our entire building decided to not give anything 10 years back. This happened because we tried telling them very nicely to stop with loud music post 9pm because some have to sleep and some have to study. They said we are being disrespectful of the festival. So we went ahead and became total rebels. Without our building money they can barely afford good mandap around the temple.

    So no. Don’t give in to minimum vargani bullshit.

  11. Let me put my scenario, I live in a housing society on sinhagad road, the average donation we get is around 251 but everytime the concerned person asks us if we have set an amount we usually say 500 not more than that because donation is given by will. One thing to be kept in mind is 250-500 is ok as less than that it is difficult to manage expenses (inflation you know) but i don’t see the need of 1500 in any case plus being rude was unnecesary by the mandal.

  12. Pro tip keep living room lights off with low volume of yv or off. Swifch off door bell as well. They’ll come and assume no one is home and leave.

  13. I wouldn’t give em a penny. Screw them. They can celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi jowever they want, but that doesn’t mean other people are liable to pay for their celebration.

  14. Thank God I live in an independent house and not pathetic societies

  15. 300-400 is more than enough. 1500 is too much actually

  16. ‘Maagchya warshachi paaavti daakhav’ shuts them up like nothing else.

    51 or 101 is good enough.

  17. It’s a DONATION. Not minimum criteria.

  18. Don’t pay at all if you don’t wish too. They can’t force you. Always check which is your nearby mandal and where you would go for arati and pay there.

  19. You can always ask them to take remaining ones from Tingre bandhu.

  20. It’s 5k in my society. But it’s not compulsory.

  21. They ask students to give 500/- it’s literally annoying

  22. Just tell them ki your ancestors only allowed 101 rupees as Chanda for some reason or any such bullshit reason

  23. 0 Rs cos you can’t fool me like the rest in the name of god and religion. 🤡🤡

  24. Tumcha ikde azunahi vargani magayla yetat ?

  25. Chanda maang rahe ki èxtort. Matlab we give by our own will a/c to capacity then why be upfront..

  26. It depends. If the society wants a big Ganesha idol, the cost would be 1000-2000. If the society is doing normal small size idols, then 500₹ is common amount. But, there is always very high chance that these youths misuse the money in bs things. And it is donation, so don’t think much about it. You still offered a very generous amount. Now be ready to suffer for 10 days.

  27. Why do people ask as if vargani is their birthright and they shall have it compulsorily from anyone irrespective of whether they want to give it or not ? Why is it so awkward to politely refuse to give vargani .. ?

    It should be made normal to politely refuse

  28. I gave 150 last year (minimum was 100) . People asking for donation in Vishantwadi are weird, was donating 100 for one of the Guru’s birthday, filled my name for 1500 without asking. Gave 0 Rs. Happened to me twice there.

  29. I just shut the door on them hastily saying “I’m in a meeting,” and they never showed up after. You’re not obligated to donate.

  30. 300rs is minimum in our locality, 1500 is too much

  31. It’s a donation. It is how much you are willing to give not how much you must give.

  32. This is a normal scam nowadays. People just need to print a receipt diary and go house to house to collect money in name of any upcoming festival of events, you don’t really know what they’re really doing with that money.

    In our previous neighbourhood we used to only donate to 2-3 organisations, all of whom we knew well and were familiar with but right after shifting we started having 10-15 or even 20 visits by different people in the same month, all asking donations for something, and our locality is one where even politicians don’t come to ask for votes, isolated even in the middle of the city, it just seems very sketchy where do many orgs come from.

  33. The recommended amount where I live is 1500. But they don’t force you. Happily accept whatever amount you come up with. “We will accept whatever you give happily “ is what they say.

  34. Always try your best

  35. Humare society me they hold a meeting regarding the cost, then that cost is divided among everyone equally!
    Last year 2100 rs maange the!

    I didn’t pay because I wasn’t at home when they came to ask for donation and baad me noone asked for it too! 😅

  36. Tell them you’ve converted to another religion.

  37. 500 in our society, but generally it falls short for the kind of celebration we do, and some benevolent souls chip in with more.

  38. Tell them to pay you, for the trash & noise pollution that they will create

  39. You setup your own mandal in 1500 n ask them for donations

  40. Taking God’s name while you are doing your work is the best service you provide to him, according to Bhagavad Gita.

    Don’t worry about the society. If you can, help the needy ones whenever you can.

  41. 1500 in Vishrantwadi? damn! I’d say 501 is a very generous amount. 1001 if it was in KP etc.

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