Don’t like this kind of behaviour


Despite telling this kids no five times, they still don’t seem to understand it’s pathetic behavior. This water also leaves spots on the windshield. I would have given him money even without him cleaning the windshield, but after he did, I didn’t pay him. He then started banging on the window, demanding money. I really don’t appreciate this kind of behavior.


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4 responses to “Don’t like this kind of behaviour”

  1. You should have punch him on the face.

  2. And you thought he’ll read this and realise his mistake?

  3. It’s sucks man 😞 I get it but what can we even do. They are probably trained to do so. Probably will get best when they go back with empty hands and all materials used. Not blaming you for not giving him money,it’s just the sad reality we live in 🙁

    If you really wanted him to change then you could have given him the money and told him that not to do so again. Poor kids man 🙁

  4. I guess giving money will encourage this behaviour

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