Does anyone know what berry this is? It has a nice sour taste. The shrub it grows on is also attached in the post


I ate about 2 handfuls of it


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41 responses to “Does anyone know what berry this is? It has a nice sour taste. The shrub it grows on is also attached in the post”

  1. OP really saw a bunch of random berry and ate a fistful of it- Darwin’s Award nominee right there.

  2. That’s a dingle berry! Start saying your g’byes…

  3. Bro ate suggon berries without knowing them…big mistake mate

  4. Ata tuzya बेंबी madhun zaad yenar

  5. Why would a sensible person eat 2 handfuls of fruit of a tree he has no idea about?

  6. is he dead by now? OP?? you alive?

  7. guys! op is not replying, its been more than half an hour!!!

  8. Bro saw a bunch of berries and ate it 😂

    Bro’s either in coma right now, or hallucinating 😆

  9. Arent those poisonous?

  10. Don’t eat them!!! Or, did you already?!?!?!

  11. Do u give a taste-test to all berries…..???that’s a bit risky, no?

  12. did no one ever tell you the story of दातपाडी when you were a kid?

  13. Bc r/foraging m ja and don’t eat random berries and mushrooms. Wtf.

  14. OP you seem to be a very sweet dumb person :’)

  15. Baner hill lag raha hai muje yea location idk why

  16. Yes these are called eitr berries. They are sour in taste. They are great for your bowel movement. You get heavy diarrhoea within a few days after eating it.

  17. Hi mate,my good byes

  18. Is that Pride world city in the background?

  19. I’ve seen bats eat them. Not sure what kind of berries they are tho

  20. These are called Shivaji berries, it’s totally healthy and good for muscles

  21. We used to pick it and hit it on others , used to hit very hard.

  22. I think they are falsa. They turn purple and sweet when ripe.

  23. OP we need an update. Are you dead or alive?

  24. OP you should see “Into the wild” movie.

  25. These are (karavanda) conkerberry.

  26. Someone check if OP is still alive

  27. Baner hill is it?

  28. Bhai it maybe poisonous

  29. OP don’t be surprised if you wake up without teeth tomorrow

  30. OP, please get more handfuls in case you get high on it.

    And if you stop posting, we will know.

    In any case, take care

  31. Average Bear Grylls fan

  32. These are used to make aachar and it’s completely safe. Which location is this but?

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